Jan 6, 2010

Stuck in "Groundhog Day"

It's snowing again. As much as I love "snow days", I could do without so much snow. The temp's have been so cold here that I haven't let the boys go outside and play in it...until today. I think we hit a balmy 20 degrees today, and there isn't any wind yet, so they were anxious to get outside in it.

Jan 2, 2010

Two Week Vacation


One of the great advantages of being a teacher is vacation time. (Snow days are the other great advantage, but that topic is for another post.)  Semester break usually gives us a two-week vacation, as it did this year. I had great plans to accomplish all sorts of things (as I do every semester break).  Here are my Top 5 Big Accomplishments and my Top 5 Should’ve-Gotten-Done.

Top Five Accomplishments

5. Two trips to Nebraska. (This was quite an accomplishment, thanks to the fantastic weather.  The blizzard wasn’t as much fun as it would be if you’re stuck in your own home.)

4. Semester Finals. (I graded all my Senior finals and hope to finish grading the 10th grade finals tonight and tomorrow.  We still have our teacher workday on Monday, but it’s always filled with meetings and training, and I really need to do some serious planning.)

3. Reading. (I got to read two books and start a third. It’s really hard to find reading time for pleasure.  However, I had a little bit of extra time…see #5 on list as to why.)

2. Holiday Decorating. (I got the tree up. This is something I dread every year, but I know it’s something the boys would really miss if we didn’t put it up. I even got a few other things put out this year, including a wreath on my front door!)

1. Cleaning. (This is on both lists because I got more done than I normally would while working, but I didn’t get as much done as I’d like to have accomplished. It sure helped that Mom and Dad got me a new vacuum for Christmas. Thanks!)

Top 5 Should’ve-Gotten-Done

5. Cleaning. (I might as well start with this one since I’ve already mentioned it. As much as I feel a sense of accomplishment with SOME of the cleaning, I still look around to a messy house which needs some deep cleaning.)

4. Taking Down Holiday Decorations. (Yep. They’re still up, and they’re probably going to remain up until March.  The tree is especially difficult to take down, as it’s too heavy, and it’s hard to find a good storage place for it.)

3. Planning for School. (I just dread this. I should’ve taken care of planning for the first part of second semester while on break, but I just couldn’t get myself to do it. I have a teacher workday on Monday, but I know it’s not going to be enough time. Planning for the seniors is especially challenging, mainly because there aren’t any resources for them.)

2. Laundry. (It’s so cold right now and I don’t want to go into the even colder garage. My laundry room is in my garage, so if I want to get this accomplished, I have to be willing to go in and out of the garage. I’ll do what I can tomorrow, but it’s just too COLD.)

1. Sleep. (Breaks are for sleeping in and taking naps. I don’t feel very rested.  Due to travelling, boys getting up early, me staying up late, watching scary movies…etc, etc…I’m feeling a little sleep deprived right now. Maybe I can get more sleep when I’m back to work, getting up at 4:45 a.m.)